03 May 2012

radio emisija FESTIVAL SPLIT 1979

Ah bilo je ovde dosta ploča sa festivala u Splitu i dosta živih koncerata koji su bili premijere i tako to. Ovo je jedna radio emisija iz te godine, 1979, koja je bila kao neki prikaz onoga što je bilo na tom festivalu i oko njega.

Festival SPLIT 1979

Radio transmissions are the theme for these celebrating days for this weird blog regarding THE SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA. The cause for thiese old transmissions is in your

900.000 visits

to this extraordinary blog where you can enjoy the old recordings from one country that exists no more, and will never be. We liked YUGOSLAVIA so much and its achievements in politics, science, arts, architecture and other work that we consists of. We liked our nature, so different from others, we liked our women much lovelier than others, we liked our sport, we liked travelling through that great country once called YUGOSLAVIA. Unfortunately came a rough time when some european countries were about to dislike my country and they decided to destroy it. They know all about our hates, our dislikes and our HISTORY. Our history was full of some reasons to destroy that beautiful country. They found them and YUGOSLAVIA was destroyed. Some nations like it (Croats, Sovenians, muslims, shipetars) but other DID NOT. So we are here where we are. Now we are a bunch of small feudal-like countries with whom you can easily rule only with money and nato. Are we in Serbia going to be the same feudal-like country in europe? I WOULD NOT LIKE IT.

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