17 October 2009


Pa što da ne pogledamo malo materijala o uspesima te naše JUGOSLAVIJE? Onim uspesima zbog kojih nas je ceo svet mrzeo i kojima smo dokazali da je ta država ipak bila jaka i moćna.

Pruga BEOGRAD - BAR je možda takav jedan uspeh, doveden do kraja nekih davnih godina. Ovaj materijal će vam sve reći pa ako vas interesuje idite do ovih nečujnih JGOZVUKOVA na OVOM MESTU.

Silent YUGOSOUNDS like this story thats what you need for better understanding one great country that was destroyed from Europe and America. This is a silent sound about one great rail in one great country long ago. One dream about connecting Europe and the sea once for a lifetime. But that dream was destroyed, a little bit by us and much more by europeans and americans and their interests. They destroyed all our dreams and wishes. They destroyed dreams like this. But they do not care, why should we? Only pictures about that great time live in our heads (not just all).

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