24 October 2015

PREDRAG GOJKOVIĆ 1962 Kafu mi draga ispeci

4 great sevdah standards from former YUGOSLAVIA, 4 great songs from the past of the Balkans, cocnnected with Turkish occupation of this part of the world, 1 great singer, the top singer of folk music and romances of that time PREDRAG GOJKOVIĆ CUNE. These four standards are "must-hear" folk standards from the Balkans and all sevdah singers have one of those songs on its repertoires. "Kafu mi draga ispeci" is top one song from this part of the world, If I May Say So.

Turskish occupant forces did a lot of genocide and slaughtering, beheading, torturing, during of 400 years of occupation of the Balkans. Somehow we are "connected" with them, through language or customs. Drinking coffee is one of the greatest connections with those bastards. Eating ratluk also, for example I am like some Turkish man, I LOVE ratluk my friends.
In modern Josip Broz Titos times of YUGOSLAVIA we removed some very bad customs from turkish times. There is also a lot of words in Serbian language with turkish-origin words like "ajde", you can hear in in bastardous turkish series. NEVER MIND LETS LISTEN TO THE PAST!

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