Potpuno nov zvuk na ovom blogu u obliku ove grupe koja se ponegde u svetu (potpuno pogrešno) naziva progresivnom rok grupom. Sudeći po ovom albumu ovo nije PROGRESIVNI ROK. Ovo je progresivni rok sa primesama jeftine pop muzike i jako, jako lošim pevačem. No čujmo ipak izvanrednu instrumentalnu podlogu ovog albuma i podsetimo se toga kako je to bilo nekad u JUGOSLAVIJI 70-tih godina.
Ovaj album je moj presnimak sa primerka koji je u pristojnom stanju i to je razlika u odnosu na prethodni snimak koji je pozajmljen sa nekog bloga!
- Enco Lesić - vocals, piano, Hammond organ, Fender Rhodes electric piano, Hohner electric piano, Davoli
synthesizer, percussion
- Davor Rocco - Fender bass, acoustic guitar, percussion
- Dragan Brčić - Rogers drums, Asba congas, darbouka
- Nada Žgur - backing vocals
- Simona Sterle - backing vocals
- Zvezdana Sterle - backing vocals
- Palmira Klobas - backing vocals
- Alenka Felicijan - backing vocals
- Željen Klašterka - acoustic guitar (5)
- Dragan Brčić - Rogers drums, Asba congas, darbouka
- Nada Žgur - backing vocals
- Simona Sterle - backing vocals
- Zvezdana Sterle - backing vocals
- Palmira Klobas - backing vocals
- Alenka Felicijan - backing vocals
- Željen Klašterka - acoustic guitar (5)
- Milan Ferlež - electric and acoustic guitar (3, 6)
SPEKTAR was formed in early 1974 Zagreb, Croatia, YUGOSLAVIA by keyboardist and composer Enco Lesić who had just left INDEXI leaving behind his song "Sve ove godine" which earned them a smash hit in 1972.
The band was named after the success of Billy Cobham's "Spectrum" LP. The members included: Davor Rocco on bass, Dragan Brčić on drums, Neven Franges on piano and Lesić on assorted keyboards. Franges soon dropped due to his academic and jazz career but continued to collaborate with the band on stage. After only a few live gigs in Zagreb the band were given opportunity to record a debut album in Ljubljana studios while the newly formed Suzy label from Zagreb was ready to invest in the release. Virtually unknown outside of Zagreb scene, SPEKTAR disbanded following the lack of success of the LP.
In this period percussionist Berislav Puhlovski joined as a short-term member of the band. Upon the demise of the group Franges, Rocco and Brčić joined singer/songwriter Drago Mlinarec and contributed as session players on his acclaimed albums "Rođenje", "Negdje postoji netko" and "Sve je u redu".
SPEKTAR played progressive rock with elements of jazz, funk and classical music. Due to guitar-less sound and heavy use of keyboards, they might be compared to ELP, ATOMIC ROOSTER, TRAFFIC, SOFT MACHINE or OPUS (Belgrade).
The band was named after the success of Billy Cobham's "Spectrum" LP. The members included: Davor Rocco on bass, Dragan Brčić on drums, Neven Franges on piano and Lesić on assorted keyboards. Franges soon dropped due to his academic and jazz career but continued to collaborate with the band on stage. After only a few live gigs in Zagreb the band were given opportunity to record a debut album in Ljubljana studios while the newly formed Suzy label from Zagreb was ready to invest in the release. Virtually unknown outside of Zagreb scene, SPEKTAR disbanded following the lack of success of the LP.
In this period percussionist Berislav Puhlovski joined as a short-term member of the band. Upon the demise of the group Franges, Rocco and Brčić joined singer/songwriter Drago Mlinarec and contributed as session players on his acclaimed albums "Rođenje", "Negdje postoji netko" and "Sve je u redu".
SPEKTAR played progressive rock with elements of jazz, funk and classical music. Due to guitar-less sound and heavy use of keyboards, they might be compared to ELP, ATOMIC ROOSTER, TRAFFIC, SOFT MACHINE or OPUS (Belgrade).
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