14 November 2010

TIME 1972

Imamo mi danas retku priliku da čujemo još i ovaj album koji svi vi dobro znate ali ajde da požurimo da ga skinemo sa linka koji je relativno svež.

Na tom mestu ima i lep tekst o tome pa bih voleo da se preselimo zato svi na to lepo


Adolf Dado Topic, the key figure of the band, left KORNI GRUPA in mid-1971, moved to Zagreb and with help from Vladimir Mihaljek formed TIME. The original line-up consisted of Topic-vocals, Tihomir Pop Asanovic-organ, Vedran Bozic-guitar, Mario Mavrin-bass, Ratko Divjak-drums and Brane Lambert Zivkovic-piano, flute. The eponymous debut album was released in summer 1972, ranking among the very first LP records of rock music issued in Yugoslavia at the time. The initial edition was issued in 500 copies only, because the record company did not expect any commercial success. However, this album proved its value in the decades to come and it was re-issued several times thereafter. The original line-up split in January 1973 after several personnel changes. In 1974 Topic spent some time in prison due to avoiding military service and there he wrote most of the material for the second album. "Time II" appeared in 1975 and it was recorded by Topic-vocal, bass, acoustic guitar, Asanovic-keyboards, Divjak-drums, congas, Dragi Jelic-electric guitar (guest musician from YU GRUPA) and Dabi Lukac-moog, mellotron. Topic then moved to London where he played bass in the FOUNDATIONS during some 40 gigs across England. At the beginning of 1976, during the FOUNDATIONS tour in Yugoslavia, Topic with his bandmates Petar Petej-drums and Chris Nicholls-keyboards decided to re-form TIME. Petej would occasionally play with TIME, but two original members, Bozic and Divjak, rejoined the band for recordin...Adolf Dado Topic, the key figure of the band, left KORNI GRUPA in mid-1971, moved to Zagreb and with help from Vladimir Mihaljek formed TIME. The original line-up consisted of Topic-vocals, Tihomir Pop Asanovic-organ, Vedran Bozic-guitar, Mario Mavrin-bass, Ratko Divjak-drums and Brane Lambert Zivkovic-piano, flute. The eponymous debut album was released in summer 1972, ranking among the very first LP records of rock music issued in Yugoslavia at the time. The initial edition was issued in 500 copies only, because the record company did not expect any commercial success. However, this album proved its value in the decades to come and it was re-issued several times thereafter. The original line-up split in January 1973 after several personnel changes. In 1974 Topic spent some time in prison due to avoiding military service and there he wrote most of the material for the second album. "Time II" appeared in 1975 and it was recorded by Topic-vocal, bass, acoustic guitar, Asanovic-keyboards, Divjak-drums, congas, Dragi Jelic-electric guitar (guest musician from YU GRUPA) and Dabi Lukac-moog, mellotron. Topic then moved to London where he played bass in the FOUNDATIONS during some 40 gigs across England. At the beginning of 1976, during the FOUNDATIONS tour in Yugoslavia, Topic with his bandmates Petar Petej-drums and Chris Nicholls-keyboards decided to re-form TIME. Petej would occasionally play with TIME, but two original members, Bozic and Divjak, rejoined the band for recording of the third album. "Zivot u cizmama sa visokom petom", a concept album about the life of a rock'n'roll star, was recorded in Munich, Germany with these musicians: Topic-vocal, Bozic-guitar, Nicholls-keyboards, Divjak-drums, Karel Charlie Novak-bass, Ivan Piko Stancic-drums and Zdenka Kovacicek-backing vocals. After several tours during 1976/77, TIME finally disbanded in late 1977 and Topic started his solo career. In 1998 Topic, Bozic and Divjak with several young musicians resurrected TIME for a limited number of live concerts and again in 2001, this time in original line-up with Mavrin and Asanovic, they played several gigs in Zagreb.

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