11 November 2010


Partibrejkers are definitely one of the most important bands for ex-YU rock'n'roll. They are the godfathers of YU garage punk and the whole scene there. Partibrejkers were formed in 1982. Their first LP from 1985 brought good old rhythm'n'blues and rock'n'roll back to one more lost teen generation. That generation was too young for punk, and too angry for arty post punk bands. Yugo rock was also in big crisis. Many punk bands didn't survive (not only musical) revolution. Because of big interest of mass media some of them turned into shitty pop. Anyway - pop, electro pop and disco occupied radio and tv. Sweet music, stupid lyrics and smiley faces were all around us. Our parents could sleep peacefully again. It seemed like some big stupid party was going on and everything we needed was rebellion again. We needed party breakers and we got Partibrejkers.

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