29 November 2011


Tema je jasna.

Dobro vi svi iz nekadašnje JUGOSLAVIJE znate šta to znači Srbima i SRBIJI ali evo malog objašnjenja za strance koji dolaze ovde.

The Battle of Kosovo (Serbian: Kosovska bitka, Turkish: Kosova Muharebesi) was a battle fought in 1389 on St Vitus' Day, June 15, between the Serbian principality and the invading army of the Ottoman Empire under the leadership of Sultan Murad I. The battle took place in the Kosovo Field, about 5 kilometers northwest of modern-day Pristina. Reliable historical accounts of the battle are scarce; however, a critical comparison with historically contemporaneous battles (such as the Battle of Angora or Nikopolis) enables reliable reconstruction. The battle was an Ottoman victory, with heavy losses on both sides.

The Battle of Kosovo is particularly important to Serbian concepts of history, tradition, and national identity.

Sadržaj ovih kaseta je takodje jasan svima i puno puta je ovde bila ta tema no danas je ova kolekcija interesantna pošto na njoj ima teatarskog izvodjenja drame i stihova narodnog pojanja o Kosovskoj bici i tako dalje. SVE U SVEMU JEDNA LEPA STVAR u ovom tužnom momentu za Srbe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pesme o Kosovu i Metohiji su najesto najlepse i duznost je svima nama da imamo to kuci. Moooolim Vas obnovite ovo da vidim koje su pesme. Pozz Tanja iz Smedereva