02 March 2009

Koncerti stranih grupa u Jugoslaviji

O tome smo već do sada iznosili novinske članke i fotografije iz poznatih novina tada u Jugoslaviji kako je to bilo u očima novinara. Vreme je da osetimo KAKO JE TO STVARNO ZVUČALO tako što ćemo preslušati po jednu ili dve stvari sa koncerata koji su tada bili medju najvažnijim u Jugoslaviji (a od kojih postoji snimak).

DIRE STRAITS Zagreb 1983. godine - Over the gold
ERIC BURDON Beograd 1984. godine - Dont ket me be missunderstood
ERIC CLAPTON Beograd 1984. godine - Let it rain
PETER GREEN Ljubljana 1983. godine - Man of the World
RAMONES Zagreb 1990. godine - Bonzo goes to Bitburg
- I wanna live
STEPHANNE GRAPPELLI Beograd 1987. godine (nemam naslov)

Kao što vidite bilo je tu svega. Inače plan mi je da objavim spiskove koncerata koji su se odigrali po čuvenim dvoranama Jugoslavije ali to je vrlo teško. Jedina dvorana koja je sve lepo obradila i doterala po datumima je dvorana Tivoli iz Ljubljane........

Concerts of foreign groups in Jugoslavija

These concerts took place in former Jugoslavia and thsi is only an example of one period of jugoslavian concert itinerary. There are only one or two tracks from cpncerts from the list above.
In the eighties the concert itinerary and tours of most famous groups from Europe and USA were taking place in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade and occassionally in Split, Sarajevo and Novi sad and Skoplje........... Sometimes in Osijek.
The most famous gropus had their gigs in Jugoslavia. Sonn here on this blog you can see for yourself the lists of concerts that took place in one of the most famous halls in former Jugoslavia, The Tivoli Hall in Ljubljana.


Andrej Ramone said...

yes, i would like to have this video, is it possible?

Andrej Ramone said...

DO you have those concerts in video format? is it possibe to get it?

Andrej Ramone said...

DO you have those concerts in video format? is it possibe to get it?

Aktivista Neumorni said...

These concerts exists only in audio formats. You can find them arround the WEB. Everyone would like to have them in VIDEO format......

I do have them only in audio format, if you do have some concerts (from ex YUGOSLAVIA) in any format please send me a message to email.

Andrej Ramone said...

i have these:
1990-11-25 Hala Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1994-10-10 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Aktivista Neumorni said...

Are they in video format?

Andrej Ramone said...

Audio only...